c# combobox set selected item by item's text

2017/10/05 02:52
C# Combobox defined with name my_combobox
private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox my_combobox;

Define string variable with the text of the combobox item that has to be selected. For example, if the combobox items have text values "item_a" "item_b" "item_c" ... and the item which text is "item_b" has to be selected
string select_this_item = "item_b";
string item_text = ""; 
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < my_combobox.Items.Count; i++)
    item_text = my_combobox.GetItemText(my_combobox.Items[i]);
    if (item_text == select_this_item)
        my_combobox.SelectedItem = (object)my_combobox.Items[i];